“It's not how you identify with your Judaism, it's that you identify Jewishly. I think that is the future of religion... People around you might not look like you, pray like you - but in my congregation, you're welcome. And more than welcome, we're interested in learning what makes you, you."
The legal challenge to
Florida House Bill 1557 “Don’t Say Gay” bill.
"Over time and continuing today, our nation has strived to make good on its promise that everyone is entitled to be treated with equal dignity under the law. That is true when it comes to LGBTQ Americans, who now have the constitutional right to identify openly as LGBTQ, to marry, and to form families with children,” said Roberta Kaplan, founding partner of Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP. "With the passage of HB 1557, Florida has not only taken a giant step backward, but it has done so at the expense of our children, the most vulnerable members of society. It is hard to imagine anything more offensive to our constitutional system than treating one group of school kids as second-class based solely on who they are or who their parents are. This law cannot be allowed to stand."

“As a Rabbi, I teach that all individuals should be celebrated for who they are and that we have a moral and religious obligation to protect the most vulnerable in our communities,” said Rabbi Amy Morrison. “This bill flies in the face of those biblical teachings, threatening the well-being and safety of Florida’s children.”